Dewey Strong


Location: , CA,


Gender: M





Dewey Strong use to work for Terrific Comics before he left with Barry Johns when Barry created Zenith Comics.  Dewey's testimony was crucial in helping Barry fight against a lawsuit brought by Harry Saul. Dewey is a medium-sized man in his sixties with a ruddy-face.  He is currently the main penciler for Zenith Publishing.


CF42 - The Last Laugh


  • Casefiles


Dewey Strong use to work for Terrific Comics before he left with Barry Johns when Barry created Zenith Comics. Dewey's testimony was crucial in helping Barry fight against a lawsuit brought by Harry Saul.
CF42, Page:44

Dewey Strong is Zenith Publishing's main penciler. He is a medium size man with a ruddy face. He appears to be in his sixties.
CF42, Page:53

Dewey lives on the top floor of a five-story brick apartment building located next to a fifteen-story steel and glass building.
CF42, Page:72