#13 Robot Rescue!

THE SCENE: Robo Freeze, Bayport's newest ice cream shop

THE FACTS: It's the grand opening, feature Sherbot, a robot who scoops and tops scrumptious ice-cream cones. Everyone's excited to check out the sweet techno-treat!

THE CRIME: Right before his big debut, Sherbot is botnapped!

THE SUSPECTS: Mrs. Carmichael, the Bayport Elementary Lunch lady, who wants her own robot to speed up serving The Len and Barry Fan Club, who are worried that Robo Freeze will steal their favorite ice cream duo's customers Milton Mortimer, who wants Sherbot to be the highlight of his birthday party -- and Milton always gets what he wants

THE MISSION: It's up to Frank and Joe -- and you -- to get back the bot!


Cover Design: Karina Granda and Tiara Iandiorio

Cover and Interior Illustrations: Santy Gutierrez


First Aladdin Printing and Copyright: April, 2021

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