Scott Lavin


Location: , , United States


Gender: M

Eyes: Green

Hair: Light Brown

Age: 24


Scott Lavin is a Formula One race car driver and owner.  Even though the green eyed, brown haired Scott is a few inches shorter than Joe Hardy, he is 7 years older.  


CF33 - Collision Course


  • Casefiles


Scott Lavin is a Formula One race car driver and owner. Even though the green eyed, brown haired Scott is a few inches shorter than Joe Hardy, he is 7 years older.
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His light, brown hair is short on top but long in the back.
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Scott Lavin is 24 years old.
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Scott had been racing and organizing amateur road rallies in Bayport since he was 21.
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Scott Lavin has a private garage in Bayport.
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Scott's garage is within walking distance of the Hardy house.
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Scott Lavin owns a boat.
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