J. F. Graham


Location: Bayport, , United States


Gender: M


Hair: Gray



J. F. Graham is a tall, distinguished-looking man with gray hair.  He is a well-known financier within the Bayport community.  He has funded shopping centers, housing complexes, and office buildings all over the city of Bayport.  He owns, or has a controlling interest in, a web of interrelated companies.  


CF34 - Final Cut


  • Casefiles


J. F. Graham is a tall, distinguished-looking man with gray hair. He is a well-known financier within the Bayport community. He has funded shopping centers, housing complexes, and office buildings all over the city of Bayport. He owns, or has a controlling interest in, a web of interrelated companies.
CF34, Page:3

He was last seen being hauled away by the Bayport Police.
CF34, Page:153