Allistair Gaines


Location: , , Barbados


Gender: M


Hair: White



Allistair Gaines is in his late 70's or early 80's.  He has white flowing hair and a long mustache.  Allistair has lived on the island of Barbados most of his life.  He wears several large rings, gold cufflinks, and a gold tie clip in the shape of a large letter G.  


CF35 - The Dead Season


  • Casefiles


Allistair Gaines is in his late 70's or early 80's. He has white flowing hair and along mustache. Allistair has lived on the island of Barbados most of his life. He wears several large rings, gold cufflinks, and a gold tie clip in the shape of a large letter G.
CF35, Page:16

In 1926, Allistair Gaines received a lot of praise of a newspaper review of his oil painting exhibit. It was also noted by the reviewer that he wore a lot of beautiful jewelry.
CF35, Page:65