The Circle of the Eye


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The secret organization called The Circle of the Eye was formed by three miners after they had found an ancient artifact in what would later become present day Bridgeport.  These three miners, George Estabrook, Ahmed Khan, and Sergei Nabokov, would later become some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world.  


TV2020 S1E9 - The Key
TV2020 S1E13 - While the Clock Ticked


  • Nelvana/Hulu 2020 TV Series


The secret organization called The Circle of the Eye was formed by three miners after they had found an ancient artifact in what would later become present day Bridgeport. These three miners, George Estabrook, Ahmed Khan, and Sergei Nabokov, would later become some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world.
TV2020 S1E9, Minute:9

The status of the secret organization is unknown. None of the original founders or their descendants have The Eye as far as we can tell since the last known whereabouts of The Eye was with what appears the military or military like organization.
TV2020 S1E13, Minute:41