Continental Order


Location: , ,


About 2,400 men joined the Continental Order veterans group after the Revolutionary War. Membership passes down to the eldest son of each original member.  The Headquarters for the organization is located in Washington D.C.

The actual building that houses the headquarters of the Continental Order is a multi-story building with a ballroom on the main floor and a museum on the second floor.


CF38 - Diplomatic Deceit


  • Casefiles


An organization where membership is based on being the eldest son of a family going back in line of the family tree to where the original family member helped fight for the colonies in the American Revolutionary War. The Headquarters for the organization is located in Washington D.C.
CF38, Page:123

About 2,400 men joined the Continental Order veterans group after the Revolutionary War. Membership passes down to the eldest son of each original member.
CF38, Page:125

The actual building that houses the headquarters of the Continental Order is a multi-story building with a ballroom on the main floor and a museum on the second floor.
CF38, Page:125

There is a low fence around the top of the roof. The building is a total of three stories tall.
CF38, Page:146