Farmers and Merchants Bank


Location: Bayport, , United States


One of the oldest buildings located in downtown Bayport. The 20-story, red brick building was located near some of the worst damage from the Tornado that came through Bayport shortly before the events of Casefile #39.  The building was undergoing a facelift and renovation when the tornado hit in order to become the new Farmers and Merchants Downtown Mall.  


CF39 - Flesh And Blood


  • Casefiles


A bank located in downtown Bayport. It was located near some of the worst damage from the Tornado that came through Bayport shortly before the events of Casefile #39. It is presumably more than one story since Callie wanted to get pictures from the top of this building.
CF39, Page:69

The downtown, red brick building is 20 stories tall and one of the oldest buildings in Bayport. It is no longer being used as a bank and was undergoing a renovation and facelift when the Tornado hit Bayport. It is suppose to become the new Farmers and Merchants Downtown Mall by fall when the renovations are complete.
CF39, Page:72

From the rooftop of the building one can see city hall, the police station and many of the buildings that had been hit by the tornado.
CF39, Page:73