Jeff Lanier


Location: Bayport, NY, United States


Gender: M


Hair: Black

Age: 17


Jeff Lanier is a 17 year old student at Bayport High with perfectly placed black hair.  He tends to pay extra close attention to what he wears and what the latest fashions are.  Jeff spends most all of his extra time at the Bayport Mall, resulting in virtually no time for after school activities.  He thinks he is in big time with the girls at school, but most of the girls would not agree.  


CF41 - Highway Robbery


  • Casefiles


Jeff Lanier is a student at Bayport High with perfectly placed black hair. He tends to pay extra close attention to what he wears and what the latest fashions are. Jeff spends most all of his extra time at the Bayport Mall, resulting in virtually no time for after school activities. He thinks he is in big time with the girls at school, but most of the girls would not agree.
CF41, Page:3

Jeff is 17 years old.
CF41, Page:154