Jed Shannon


Location: , ,


Gender: M





Jed Shannon is a young (early twenties), handsome actor with a dark complexion represented by an agent named Larry Berman.  Jed's recent films include Slam Dancin' in Rio and A Punk at Oxford.  

Jed Grew up in the wealthy Detroit suburb of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, but claims to have hung out with the tougher kids of Detroit.  


CF44 - Castle Fear


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Jed Shannon is a young actor represented by an agent named Larry Berman. Jed's recent films include Slam Dancin' in Rio and A Punk at Oxford.
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Jed Shannon in a dark, handsome, young man in his early twenties.
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Jed grew up in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, a small well-to-do suburb of Detroit, but claims to have hung out with the tougher kids of Detroit.
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