Book Scores

Started by ken10, September 05, 2009, 03:22:43 PM

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I am currently working on a new rating system, and hopefully it will be up here by November 2009!


Thank you for the bday wishes! I don't know to reply when I got your message. Sorry!! Hope this gets to you!
I'm not on here as much or I just come on for a few moments. So I trying to keep up with posts. Sorry for being MIA. I've been off on a mission with Frank and Joe! :)


My rating sytem:

10: Only goes to the best books. Example: Hot Wheels

9: A very good book, but has some small problems. Example: Murder At The Mall, and Wanted, the only UBs to get a rating above 6.

8: A great read, but not the best. Example: Bad Chemestry

7: A fun read, but there's no harm in skipping it. Example: Mystery Of Cabin Island

6: Good, nothing else, the book has a major problem. Example: Extreme Danger

5: Decent, may be good if you are fan of the topic the book focuses on, like for Day Of The Dinosaur, young dinosaur fans may like it, but not much other people.

4. Half Decent: This book is best left to people who want to read every Hardy Boys book there is, and only a few people will enjoy it. Example: Shock Jock

3. Bad: Avoid, chances are you are not going to like this book. Example: Murder House trilogy

2. Really Bad: This book is just awfull, snd should not have money wasted on buying it, unless you want to use it as firewood. Example: Haunted, Cold Sweat

1. Garbage: This book is trash, the plot is dumb, there's no action, and four year can figure who the bad guy is before Frank and Joe do. Example: Dead Man In Deadwood

0. Why does this book even exist???: Only 3 books have gotten this rating: Nancy Drew: The Flying Sucer Mystery, Hardy Boys Casefiles: Survival Of The Fittest, and the UB Rocky Road. Avoid these three books at all costs!

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And ladies and gentlemen--boys and girls: here it is!



8.9-8.0-Well Done!

7.9-7.0-ATAC Field Agent

6.9-6.0-ATAC Trainee






0.9-0-Against the Law

Well, whaddya think?


Just so you know, the BRS (Book Rating System) is now open to all members, me being the admin.


Quote from: Dinosaur Dan on November 12, 2009, 07:36:34 AM
My rating sytem:

10: Only goes to the best books. Example: Hot Wheels

9: A very good book, but has some small problems. Example: Murder At The Mall, and Wanted, the only UBs to get a rating above 6.

8: A great read, but not the best. Example: Bad Chemestry

7: A fun read, but there's no harm in skipping it. Example: Mystery Of Cabin Island

6: Good, nothing else, the book has a major problem. Example: Extreme Danger

5: Decent, may be good if you are fan of the topic the book focuses on, like for Day Of The Dinosaur, young dinosaur fans may like it, but not much other people.

4. Half Decent: This book is best left to people who want to read every Hardy Boys book there is, and only a few people will enjoy it. Example: Shock Jock

3. Bad: Avoid, chances are you are not going to like this book. Example: Murder House trilogy

2. Really Bad: This book is just awfull, snd should not have money wasted on buying it, unless you want to use it as firewood. Example: Haunted, Cold Sweat

1. Garbage: This book is trash, the plot is dumb, there's no action, and four year can figure who the bad guy is before Frank and Joe do. Example: Dead Man In Deadwood

0. Why does this book even exist???: Only 3 books have gotten this rating: Nancy Drew: The Flying Sucer Mystery, Hardy Boys Casefiles: Survival Of The Fittest, and the UB Rocky Road. Avoid these three books at all costs!