The Wailing Siren Mystery (1968 Revised Text)

Started by tomswift2002, July 09, 2017, 03:50:53 PM

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Plot: Frank and Joe are taking a cruise in Barmet Bay in their boat the Sleuth when a violent storm comes up on them.  The Sleuth's engine quits, and Frank and Joe try to get the engine going when they hear a siren over the storm and see a helicopter hovering over another boat.  Then all of a sudden the lights on the other boat and the helicopter go out, just as the boys hear a splash near their boat.  The boys grab the item that splashed in the water and discover that it is a wallet containing $2,000.  Then the next day someone steals Chet's father's truck that contained rifles for hunting big game, a canoe and a bunch of camping supplies.  The Hardy's trace Chet's truck to an area north of Bayport called the North Woods where they again run into the sound of the Wailing Siren.  What is up in the North Woods?  The Hardy's mean to find out.

Review: I've got to ask, with the people who live around North Woods, why did no one ever report the Wailing Siren to the police?  Apparently no one bothered to report that every night a siren comes from the North Woods.

Anyway its a pretty run of the mill Hardy Boys book --- until the end.  Then the end turns into a Casefile!  Fenton Hardy arms the boys with pistols for a raid on a shack in the middle of the North Woods, so the boys go in armed for battle.  Then it turns out that the boys have been chasing a Central American revolutionary group (what would be called a terrorist organization nowadays, kind of like ISIS)(I seem to recall that they were chasing another one in the revised Footprints Under The Window) that has been stealing rifles and other arms, American currency from other countries and using it to purchase weapons in the US.  And then Fenton Hardy and a number of State Troopers swoop down at the end in the helicopter to help the boys arrest the gang.  Plus Chet, Tony, Biff, Callie and Iola all appear in this book.

And by comparison, I can't even say that Attack Of The Bayport Beast is a bad rewrite of this, even though it has a similar premise of the boys going into a local woods on a case.  The Wailing Siren Mystery is way above a grade 2 reading level!

Rating: B
VHS, S-VHS, Super Betamax, Mini DV, MicroMV, Betacam SP, U-Matic SP - NTSC/PAL/SECAM.  All transferred to DVD!


It's been a long time since I've read The Wailing Siren Mystery, but I remember rather enjoying this one when I was younger. I think I particularly liked the camping out aspect and the excitement of Frank and Joe's run-in with wolves!
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


This mystery was very good.  I own a copy of it now but I first read it went I was a lot younger.


The 1968 version is really just an editing and updating of the original 25-chapter 1951 version.
VHS, S-VHS, Super Betamax, Mini DV, MicroMV, Betacam SP, U-Matic SP - NTSC/PAL/SECAM.  All transferred to DVD!

Hardy Sleuth

I've read both The Wailing Siren Mystery (revised) and Attack of the Bayport Beast this year and while I like them both, The Wailing Siren Mystery wins easy since it has even more excitement and more action. 8)
Joe Hardy said "Iola is alive, I can feel it. I couldn't feel this strongly about someone who was dead."

"Then I won't tell you to give up hope," Frank said softly. 8)


I just got a copy of this this morning for a future Christmas/Birthday gìft for one of my nephews and I noticed that on the copyright page it says "1970 Printing".  I've never seen or heard of G&D printing any publishing information in the pre-1980/81 books, and specific year printing notices was not introduced until the flashlight editions in the 90's.
VHS, S-VHS, Super Betamax, Mini DV, MicroMV, Betacam SP, U-Matic SP - NTSC/PAL/SECAM.  All transferred to DVD!


This is the book were they meet Jack Wayne for the first time even thought he is in the series before this one.


Quote from: VLoneWolf on February 14, 2025, 04:10:27 PMThis is the book were they meet Jack Wayne for the first time even thought he is in the series before this one.
Cool to know!  8)  :)
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"