Started by Kerin, July 05, 2007, 10:09:39 PM

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Well that is pretty fast considering it's still over the speed limit in a lot of places. And this is that was the '30s.


60-70 miles an hour, that's about 110-120 Kilometers per hour, right?
VHS, S-VHS, Super Betamax, Mini DV, MicroMV, Betacam SP, U-Matic SP - NTSC/PAL/SECAM.  All transferred to DVD! 


That's 100-110 I think. Could be wrong, though.


this is from Casefiles #13 "The Borgia Dagger" when Tessa ran out of the house when Joe is supposed to be gaurding her and he is trying to explain to Frank what happened while Tessa's bf Harley fumes in the background ;D:

" 'You lost her!' Frank said. 'Well, it's a little more complicated than that' Joe said. 'You know, a guy tries to be on his best behavior, tries to be the ideal body gaurd, right? He keeps quiet, does his job, and then decides to make conversation-asks a dumb, innocent, friendly question-'
Frank crossed his arms. 'What did you ask her Joe?'
'Well, I was reading Personality magazine and I got to thinking about the actors in the movies- you know, the ones who have to do those kisses in close-up? Well I realized those people probably don't even know eachother-'
'I don't believe this,' Frank said rolling his eyes. 'get to the point Joe!'
Joe lowered his head. 'All I did was ask how she would feel kissing a perfect stranger-'
'What?' Harley bellowed. Joe protested, 'She didn't even give me a chance to-'
'Cool it you guys' Frank said. 'Go on Joe, what did she do after this 'innocent, friendly' question?' 'Well, she gave me a look, ran outside, and drove away.'"

this was the best part in the whole book ;D


Yeah...I remember that. You could totally see where that was going ::) :D


i know, the entire book i was just waiting for joe to do something like that ;D


"Great" Biff groaned "First Frank's going to kill us for letting Joe get kidnapped and then Joe's going to kill Frank for not being straight with him"

which book does this quote come from?
Welcome to the 6 o' clock news. I'm Thor, but not complaining. I'd like to give you the weather for the next 50 years. Sun in L.A.,rain in Seattle.


"Great" Biff groaned "First Frank's going to kill us for letting Joe get kidnapped and then Joe's going to kill Frank for not being straight with him"

which book does this quote come from?

yeah thats what id like to know
Firefly could you shine your light
now i know your ways cuz their just like mine
now im justified as i fall in line
and its hard to try when your open wide


I changed the bad guys? names so it doesn?t spoil anyone.

This is from Casefile #17: The Number File.

QuoteThe Hardys used a sheet torn into strips to tie their prisoner?s hands behind his back, and when Smith regained consciousness, they began questioning him.

?How many more of you are there?? Frank asked the stocky man.

?There?s just me. My mother didn?t want no more children,? he answered.

?I can see why,? Joe told him. ?But I want to know about your gang. Are there are more of you on the ship besides you and Jones??

?Will I get a shorter sentence if I tell you??

?Yeah,? Joe said sarcastically. ?We promise we won?t use sentences with more than six words.?


This is from Web Of Horror, page 27:

"Oh, yeah?" Paula sounded unconvinced.  "So your being in the film has nothing to do with Andrew Warmouth's murder?"

"No," Joe said.  "Katz just needed some extra bodies.  Besides, we leave murder investigations to the police."

VHS, S-VHS, Super Betamax, Mini DV, MicroMV, Betacam SP, U-Matic SP - NTSC/PAL/SECAM.  All transferred to DVD! 


ok i got some

from Club Dread:
from Joes point of view
"I woke up from the strangest dream. In it , I was a little kid, and my dad was carrying me to bed. But my bed was one of those carts you use to move food in a restauran, and my dad was Matthias Dunstock. Nightmare!"

"Okay!" I said. "I'll tell you everything. Just stop! Your breath is killing me."

from Franks point of view
"I think the ball is laughing at us," Nancy said.
"It's just intimidated by my natural athletic ability," Joe said, winking at Bess.
George came up behind him and easily dunked him underwater.
"Your natural what?" she said.
Firefly could you shine your light
now i know your ways cuz their just like mine
now im justified as i fall in line
and its hard to try when your open wide


I got one from Danger Overseas:
Joe: "Slaves. We're slaves in our own house!"
Frank: "Joe?"
Joe: "What?"
Frank: "Shut up."


Frank: "I guess Joe is right."
Joe: "A first! Frank Hardy admits Joe is correct!"

hpe that helps!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
I'm back!


Lol!  :D Those are good ones!
If Christ had been a philosopher, they could have debated Him.Had He been a religionist, they could have ignored Him.But Christ was love.What do you do with that?


QuoteUp above, the cellar door suddenly slammed open. Joe jumped and lost his precarious hold on the file. It tinkled as it hit the floor, but the noise was lost as Fellawi skipped down the stairs.

"I forgot to turn off the soldering iron," he said, shaking his head. "Very bad habit. Dangerous."

He unplugged the tool, brought it back into the private office, then started up the stairs again.

"I don't believe this guy," Frank said. "He sets things up to fry us with an atom bomb, then worries about the dangers of electrical fires. Unbelievable!"
- Countdown to Terror, Hardy Boys Casefiles #28

Ha ha that part cracked me up when I read it. :D
You're nothing but a one-armed bandit.


Here's one from Double Deception:
Emily: "It will take all my best acting skills to act like I'm in love with Justin."
"You'll do great," I said. "You always do."
I watched her walk away. Frank punched my arm. "What?" I asked.
"So out of your league," he teased.
"Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?"
(Ha ha, Joe)