Hardy Men

Started by FrankJoeATAC, August 24, 2008, 05:23:11 PM

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Do you think the Hardy Men will be a good movie?

3 (9.4%)
17 (53.1%)
Not Sure
12 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 29


Quote"Franklin" by itself reminds me of Franklin the turtle.

"Joseph" conjures up images of the Bible, as has been said by someone before.
Franklin the turtle- ha ha, yes- that is true. ;D

And the most famous Joseph I know is definitely the one in The Bible that you can read about in Genesis 37-50.
And he was kinda impulsive too to some degree- considering he was sharing his dream about the sun, moon and 11 stars bowing down to him and the bundles of wheat bowing to his with his family...
I don't know if there was any consideration toward that in the naming of Joe. (I know we've speculated some on this in another thread too.) And of course, there's also Joseph, the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus.

QuoteI don't know how accurate or current that info is but it certainly leads to me to believe they are going to royally mess this movie up. I agree with JoeHardyRocks in that the boys shouldn't be estranged either. Why does that have to be a progression of their relationship? Married with kids and moved somewhere else? Sure...that's realistic. But estranged and FORCED to work together? Yeah, I don't think so.
Well, the whole plan was to be a comedic take on The Hardy Boys to begin with, so that's just it. The producers of this proposed movie are not taking the books seriously at all, but just making a parody at best and that's why they've decided to age the perpetual teenagers into grown men. The comedy part comes with Frank and Joe being estranged and having to work through their differences to solve one more case together. I can see the comedic possibilities, but I also don't think it's really necessary and will more than likely be a besmirchment to The Hardy Boys' good name than anything else. I honestly like Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller well enough in some movies and if they could keep it clean I could probably be okay with this- but I'd still much rather see an actual serious movie for The Hardy Boys first.

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


You say it so nicely MacGyver. :) I don't buy Tom and Ben as older Hardys or Hardys at all. They are good in their own ways and in other things that they have been in. I just don't think they fit the part. I also don't like the parody element. Making a funny Hardy Boys story with nods or at least elements of the books...YES...please! Unfortunately, like you said, it's going to turn into just besmirching their good name. I would love to see a real HB movie first. Not holding my breath though.

One article I found said 2013....I hope that's either true or doesn't end up happening. I heard Tom might be a part of Top Gun 2 and MI 4...So let's hope that keeps him REALLY busy. He's no Joe.
I'm not on here as much or I just come on for a few moments. So I trying to keep up with posts. Sorry for being MIA. I've been off on a mission with Frank and Joe! :)


Really? I could honestly see Tom Cruise as Joe- he definitely has the brash, impulsive, women-charmer part down. (Just see "Top Gun" and "A Few Good Men" for confirmation. There's others, but those are two of his top classics.)
Of course, had this movie been made back in the '80s when he would've been more in the right age range, that might've helped.
And I'm quite excited for Mission: Impossible IV - I didn't really like what they did in the first movie (making Jim Phelps a traitor after like 40 something years of service to the IMF and killing off the team and making the set-up more analogous to a James Bond thing than say, Mission: Impossible) - But once I got past that, I can really enjoy the movies for their own thing. And the third movie was incredible! If they can make another movie of that caliber, I will be happy to see that one.
Top Gun 2 kind of came out of nowhere- one of those movies that pretty much no one was really clamoring for. I love the classic 1986 Top Gun movie- but I don't really think a sequel is needed. However, if Tom Cruise actually shows back up as Maverick, I'll probably give it a chance. Of course, it's probably just because Tom Cruise is still one of my favorite '80s actors. Yes, he has some Scientology beliefs I don't share. Yes, he's said and done some weird and quite possibly stupid things- but hey, who hasn't? I know I have. I personally think it's awesome that he's so in love with Katie Holmes that he was jumping up and down on Oprah's couch to show some enthusiasm. Every marriage should have that level of anticipation and excitement and love. So not that I defend everything he's done or even like everything he's done- but I do like him as an actor. He's one of the three Toms that I really enjoy watching his acting in the 1980s (of course, those three being Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and Tom Selleck. :D Just see "Top Gun", "Big", and "Three Men and a Baby" to know why. And "Magnum, P.I." of course.) 8)
QuoteYou say it so nicely MacGyver.
Thanks. You do pretty well yourself. 8)
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


Quote from: MacGyver on October 19, 2010, 08:53:15 AM
And of course, there's also Joseph, the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus.

I always forget about that Joseph for some reason lol.


Well, he didn't get an Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice musical starring Donny Osmond named after him- so maybe he's not as well known.
But he should be as he certainly plays a crucial part in the Nativity of Jesus Christ. I'm really glad for "The Nativity Story" movie- they did a great job of portraying the Biblical events there. (Even if the Wise Men didn't get to Jesus' manger that first Christmas- and it probably wasn't until about 2 years later. I can understand why the moviemakers put that scene the way it is since it flowed so well with everything else going on- and it completes the major events surrounding the birth of Jesus. So I forgive them for that slip in accuracy.) :)
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


No need to defend Tom. I LOVED him in some of his more classic roles (where he is more Joe-like). Yes, he does have views I don't agree with and says some absurd things. Let me put it this way....If I had to imagine my perfect Frank and Joe...they would not grow up to look like or be Tom and Ben. For one, both of them are not even tall enough. That just irritates me for some odd reason. So, it's not really Tom himself. Although, like you said, a younger Tom Cruise would be better. I agree with that. Man, he had some GREAT movies back when...but I just don't see it for now. I see that they were thinking Tom and Ben were a good duo. I agree with that as well. I just don't see my teenage Frank and Joe growing up to look like them, etc.

Hey, speaking of Hardy Men....what about the Hardy women? Would Frank and Joe be married to Callie and Vanessa or would Iola be alive? Will they married or divorced to original characters? Will their kids be just like them?

Their parents would either be quite old or passed away. Aunt Gertrude was much older and probably wouldn't be in the picture. Going further, would their good ol' chums return for this movie?? Chet, Biff, Tony, Phil...just to name a few.

Oh and how old is Con and Chief Collig going to be??

I would hate to see some key characters lose their roles in the Hardy Boys because of this movie....

Quote from: MacGyver on October 25, 2010, 05:58:48 PM
Thanks. You do pretty well yourself. 8)

Thanks! I try....I need to stop coming on here so late though. It's almost 2am...and my brain starts to get mushy. lol I appreciate that though!
I'm not on here as much or I just come on for a few moments. So I trying to keep up with posts. Sorry for being MIA. I've been off on a mission with Frank and Joe! :)


And then there's long lost and forgotten characters like Jerry Gilroy, Jack Wayne and Sam Radley! Oh, and Oscar Smuff just for comic relief. ;D
Interestingly enough, none of the previous Hardy Boys incarnations that I know of have presented The Hardy Boys' traditional romantic relationships with Iola and Callie. Sure, Iola showed up in the '50s Disney serials, but they were all just kids there so I don't think Joe was really shown pairing up with Iola so much- I don't think they were quite even at the age of puberty there.
And I'm not sure that either one showed up in the '60s cartoon or "The Mystery of the Chinese Junk" pilot. I don't know if Frank or Joe had any kind of relationship going on with Wanda Kay on the cartoon though- but I'd have to watch more of it to know.
And on the '70s show, Iola never showed up though Callie was there for the first season and Chet showed up twice. But again- Callie was an assistant to Mr. Hardy and wasn't really shown having a relationship with Frank (or Joe, for that matter.) If anything, a romantic relationship between Frank Hardy and Nancy Drew was definitely strongly hinted at- although it didn't really overshadow the overall tone of the show. (And it seemed fairly muted for the most part with Janet Louise Johnson's episodes, I think- except for "Arson and Old Lace", of course.) Also, Joe Hardy and Bess Marvin seemed to have a slight hint at a relationship as well (though I think it may have been more of a just budding thing for them- mainly in the "The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Meet Dracula" two-part episode.)
In the '90s show, Frank seemed to maybe have a thing going with his boss at the newspaper- but again, this series had no mention of Callie or Iola although Chet did show up once. I can't remember if he might have mentioned his sister or not.

So anyway- it'd be nice for a movie version to have these different characters show up and I would prefer that they go with the traditional deal of Frank and Callie and Joe and Iola being couples.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


Again, well put MacGyver. Can I just call you Mac?? lol

Now that you mention it...a lot of those characters are absent in the screen adaptations of the Hardy Boys. Actually, they are somewhat absent in the graphic novels as well. Come to think of it...the first UBs, Wanted, mentions Belinda Conrad. She is somewhat linked to Frank.

I wonder why this is??? Why not keep the original characters? I really don't see the need to invent new love interests, etc. With the Hardy Men, I can see where they would make it look like they all went there own ways. Heck, if Frank and Joe are no longer on good terms, it stands to reason that Chet, Phil, Tony, Biff, Jerry, etc...would have dispersed as well.

It would be better and make more sense if they at least attempted to keep the OC and the main themes, values, etc of the books.

Perhaps Nelvana will try this with the new series they are proposing?
I'm not on here as much or I just come on for a few moments. So I trying to keep up with posts. Sorry for being MIA. I've been off on a mission with Frank and Joe! :)


QuoteAgain, well put MacGyver. Can I just call you Mac?? lol
Again, thanks. And yeah- whichever's fine. lol

And I definitely hope Nelvana will be true to the original continuity from the first 58 books. I would much rather see that than what I kinda think it might wind up being. And much as I love the Casefiles, I just kinda doubt they would use that continuity because it's not a current series anymore. If the UnderCover Brothers series is the current series and this is what their main target audience knows, I feel fairly certain that's the continuity they will use. It's still the Hardy Boys, but maybe not the one most of the older fans typically think of first. But then, I don't think the show is necessarily aimed at them. I know this is just conjecture on my part, but I just have a feeling that's what it will be, unless they go off and create either a hybrid type deal or just their own continuity altogether.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


Quote from: MacGyver on October 26, 2010, 11:30:57 PM
Again, thanks. And yeah- whichever's fine. lol

And I definitely hope Nelvana will be true to the original continuity from the first 58 books. I would much rather see that than what I kinda think it might wind up being. And much as I love the Casefiles, I just kinda doubt they would use that continuity because it's not a current series anymore. If the UnderCover Brothers series is the current series and this is what their main target audience knows, I feel fairly certain that's the continuity they will use. It's still the Hardy Boys, but maybe not the one most of the older fans typically think of first. But then, I don't think the show is necessarily aimed at them. I know this is just conjecture on my part, but I just have a feeling that's what it will be, unless they go off and create either a hybrid type deal or just their own continuity altogether.

Not necessarily. The 95 series wasn't much like the Casefiles. And the 77 series wasn't even that much like the Original series, although some episodes were loose adoptions of the books.


Right. The previous TV versions have been based on the books, but not necessarily adaptations. Maybe it will just be its own thing like the '70s and '90s series. I just wonder if the UB continuity will come into play in the series. (i.e. Frank and Joe are working for ATAC, rather than just helping their father with cases or stumbling onto mysteries on their own, etc.)
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


Just ran across this online from a link on the IMDB page for The Hardy Men- and yes, it is still listed on there for a 2013 release, with Shawn Levy directing and Simon Kingberg and Ed Solomon writing. And of course, Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller are still listed as starred in the titular roles, but not further information beyond that. By the way, just out of curiosity, though I know most people on here are not wanting to see this happen, if it did and you were forced to choose from these actors, who do you think would get cast as whom? I would think it would be Tom Cruise as Joe and Ben Stiller as Frank. That just seems to be the natural casting to me from those two choices (I guess because I can see Ben Stiller doing that sort of role for Frank stemming from his portrayal of Dave Starsky in the Starsky & Hutch movie- which is not really a recommendation for this movie. I've seen bits of it on TV before- I don't know if it was altogether horrible, but I would definitely recommend the actual TV series over this movie anytime.) And then I actually can see Tom Cruise as an older Joe Hardy, especially considering his roles in movies like Top Gun (which is now supposedly getting a sequel sometime in 2013!), Rain Man and A Few Good Men and of course the Mission: Impossible movies. (which is also getting another movie- and if the 4th. is as awesome as the 3rd. one was- that will be exciting! I'm sure I will wind up seeing it either way.)
           Anyway- here is the link I mentioned earlier. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1237838/
This seems like what The Hardy Men could end up being. It also seems to be a very much tongue-in-cheek take on a grown up Encyclopedia Brown. I haven't seen the movie and wouldn't care to just from reading the description- but I hope if The Hardy Men is made, it wouldn't be like this. Though I would prefer an actual true to the books version of The Hardy Boys coming to movie screens, I could still take this movie okay if it can be kept clean and respectful of the virtues of The Hardy Boys- but somehow I doubt that will honestly happen.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."- Jesus
"You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it."- MacGyver in "Cease Fire"


Unfortunately, we'll probably get the hyped up version of the story full of swear words and dirty jokes. I certainly hope not, but they are going to do  what sells. Sadly, this is what sells. Of course I am totally speculating but if they are grown up, they will have more grown up issues, language, etc. Let's also consider what Tom and Ben have been in before as well. Enough said.

Another reason why I DON'T want this movie to happen.

Mac (hehe) I agree that Ben would probably be Frank and Tom would be Joe. Seems to be the most logical.

The show hopefully will be teenagers. I would rather have ATAC than Hardy men. I guess it all depends on how they are portrayed and how well they can adapt the characters. I don't need every episode to be one of the books...BUT Frank and Joe should still be Frank and Joe from the books. Well...as much as possible. I'd like to see the same supporting characters as well.

It would be a shame to do anything else. I see your points though Spencer about the previous series not being congruent to the books.

I guess we shall see..
I'm not on here as much or I just come on for a few moments. So I trying to keep up with posts. Sorry for being MIA. I've been off on a mission with Frank and Joe! :)