#15 The Sinister Signpost
- The Missing Race-Horse
- The Jockey
- The Trail of the Van
- The Clay Hand
- The Missing Truck
- The Service Station
- Vilnoff Again
- A Suspicious Driver
- Mr. Prescott
- The Foreigner's House
- The Escape
- The Strange Tree
- The Cabin in the Woods
- Did Vilnoff Sail?
- Another Disappearance
- The Underground Passage
- The Strange Message
- The Stealthy Speed-Boat
- Road Number One
- A Note to Ivan
- The Sinister Sign Post
- The Mad Inventor
- The Secret Door
- The Ride Against Death
- Mysteries Solved
Cover Art: Bill Gillies
Cover Design:
Interior Illustrator:
First Copyright: 1936
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