#9 Who Let The Frogs Out?

THE SCENE: The Bayport Elementary Mud Bud Run

THE FACTS: A particularly muddy part of the town's park has been set aside for the Mud Bud Run, and Coach Lambert has even managed to make more mud by using the park's hoses and shovels. Fran and Joe can't wait to splash through the muck!

THE CRIME: Someone dumped a bunch of frogs into the mud track, so the race had to be canceled!

THE SUSPECTS: Daisy, Matty, and Scotty Zamora, who were mad because teh Mud Bud Run was going to ruin their special pizza topping garden they had made for their parents' restaurant, The Pizza Place. Mr. Frederick, the owner of the Golden Bone, the fancy dog spa in town, who was annoyed because the run would interrupt his dogs' walking schedule. Oliver Splathall, Bayport Elementary's most famous artist, who was very worried the run would ruin the mud for the giant mud sculpture he had planned to create that afternoon.

THE MISSION: It's up to the Hardy Boys -- and you -- to find out where the mystery frogs came from!


Cover Design: Karina Granda and Nina Simoneaux

Cover and Interior Illustrations: Santy Gutierrez


First Aladdin Printing and Copyright: April, 2019

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